Traffic ticket with multiple violations
Question: What should I do with this pretty bad traffic ticket I got? I got the traffic ticket with several offenses back... Read More
What kind of VC 22349(b) infraction was I cited for?
Question: I was pulled over doing 69 mph in a 55 mph zone. The officer said he only gave me an infraction... Read More
Driving Related Charges – Traffic Violations
Driving Related charges and Traffic Violations *Click on the blue colored text for a specific web page for each charge The Law... Read More
Hidden Hills DUI and Criminal Defense
Hidden Hills DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney If you were arrested or cited for a DUI, Traffic Ticket, or other Criminal offense... Read More
Beverly Hills Traffic, DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney
Call Attorney Phil Hache at (818) 336-1384 to discuss your Beverly Hills DUI, Criminal charge, or traffic related matter
Los Angeles, Metropolitan – Downtown L.A.
If you were arrested or cited with a DUI, another Criminal Charge or traffic related matter in Los Angeles, call Attorney Phil Hache for a free consultation.
I have a DUI in San Fernando and pulled over for speeding
DUI with potential speeding enhancement Question: I have a DUI in San Fernando and pulled over for speeding. Will I have an... Read More